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The Willow's House is built on the foundations of heartbreak and tragedy. Its love surrendered to a life long faded, and it's well now desolate, bereft of hope. But while it may have no love for itself, it has plenty left for those who seek its refuge. A warm smile for the frozen heart, a shelter for the lost in despair. We of the Willow's House raise our teapots and serve with joy to provide a safe haven for all alike. For the sake of what we have lost, and for what remains that we can yet save.

Our People

Please respect our Rules and Regulation


Our Courtesans are ready to serve. Feel free to approach the front desk during Afterhours to book.

Staff with a 


are for hire

R-18 Courtesan

PG Courtesan

Altair Blanchard.png

Altair Blanchard

The Confused

Do not swear by the moon, for it changes constantly. then your love would also change. 

Efrem cat.png

Efrem Mikjall

The Purrfect

"Would you like to be the 6 to my 9?


Jill Hylia

The Sexy

Sexy comes in many forms and shape, thus, just be your own kind of sexy.


Thrace Mo'at

The Player

Is it not love that knows how to make smooth things rough and rough things smooth?

Kiyohime Tanegashima.png

Kiyohime Tanogashima

The Unquenchable

Feel free to follow her down the rabbit hole.

Evan Vorskald.png

Evan Vorskald

The Charming

My wish is to see you smile ♥ 

Furi Amelia.png

Furi Amelia

The Mysterious

You have only seen the least of what I can do.

Gelo Breaux.png

The Unquenchable

He who laughs the hardest, hurts the most.

Gelo Breaux


Vara Quintus

The Temptress

Don't let her sweet smiles fool you, she'll hurt you and you'll keep coming back for more.

Kaien Io.png

Kaien Io

The Player

Surely the stars are images of love, for I see them glimmering in your eyes.

Suzume Tayuun.png

Suzume Tayuun

The Beautiful

Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it.

Cecilia Bright.png

Cecilia Bright

The Star

The stars don't shine, they burn bright.


Lucius Caestus

The Hero

A smile suits a hero better

Please respect our Rules and Regulation

Teahouse Staffs

Our Courtesans are ready to serve. Feel free to approach the front desk during Afterhours to book.

Staff with a 


are ready to assist

Door Reception

Greeting with a smile

Sophia Silverwind.png

Sophia Silverwind

The Big Sister

Mess with her and find yourself at the bottom of her heel; unless you like that sort of thing

Ichigo Sakai.png

Ichigo Sakai

The Little Sister

Don't think you can get past this one that easily either...unless you like that kind of thing, yeah...

Floor and Booking

Approach to hire



The Papa

The papa bear, now a papa pimp

Konoe Karou.png

The Mama

My wish is that you may be loved to the point of madness.

Konoe Karou

Emperor Abelius.png

Emperor Abelius

The Airhead

Just your air head, curiosity connoisseur catboi


Hired Swordsman


Lennox Blackwell

The Guardian

Don't just give up because things are hard.

Cicily Hartman.png

Cicilly Hartman

The Shield

Your spirit is the true shield


Corvo Attano

The Sword

Protect those who protect you.


Loli Popo

The Ankle Biter

Size doesn't matter

Reine Akaru.png

Reine Akaru

The Independent

Be strong enough to stand alone, smart enough to know when you need help, and brave enough to ask for it


The dirtywork

Silvane Vouix.png

Silvane Vouix

The Janitor

If you're not willing to work for it, then do not complain when you don't have it.

Zenos Viator-Galvus.png

Zenos Viator-Galvus

The Tab Keeper

Let our moments together be enshrined in eternity.

The Owner


The Master


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