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  • You must be 18+ to enter The Willow and are OK with 18+ content.

    • Due to the themes of our venue, all patrons must be above 18 years of age to enter. 


  • Be respectful.

    • Please respect the rules of our venue and our staff, as well as maintain decorum towards other patrons in the venue. 

    • This is an LGBTQ+ friendly and multicultural venue. Any deliberate behavior out of character (OOC) that can cause offense is prohibited, as per the FF14 Prohibited Activities list and examples: Prohibited Activities in Final Fantasy XIV

    • In-character (IC) offensive behavior must be restricted to private chat (/tell or /party) with the consent of all parties involved.

    • We will not hesitate to blacklist and report any patrons that continuously exhibit malicious and/or offensive behavior even after multiple warnings by staff.


  • No Spam or Trolling.

    • Any trolling and/or griefing behavior that disrupts the flow of The Willow's activities and the experience of other patrons within The Willow is strictly prohibited.

    • We will blacklist and report patrons who display patterns of behavior outlined within the FF14 Prohibited Activities list: Prohibited Activities in Final Fantasy XIV


  • Do not enter restricted areas or attempt to clip through the walls/boundaries of the interior.

    • The following areas are restricted and only staff are allowed to enter/use the areas during The Willow's operating hours:

      • Backstage/behind the stage

      • The performance stage

      • Behind the bar counter

      • The courtesan "cage"

      • The basement

      • The additional chambers/private rooms

      • Any other areas that are not part of the seating areas for patrons.

    • You are only permitted to enter the restricted areas with the permission of The Willow's staff members and must be accompanied by staff at all times.


  • No public ERP

    • Keep any erotic roleplay or overt sexual innuendos within /tell or /party chat.  


  • No Shouting or Yelling

    • When roleplaying or chatting, please stick to /em and /say if doing so in public. 

    • The use of /shout and /yell within The Willow is reserved for announcements and shoutouts by The Willow's staff members.


  • All roleplay must be done with consent of the parties involved, including yourself, staff, and other patrons.

    • Any plotlines and IC actions that could be considered invasive, mature, dark, or violent must have the consent of your RP partner(s) before you proceed.

    • We recommend checking on your partner(s) comfort level throughout the process by asking OOC questions.

    • Consent can be withdrawn at any time. Past consent is not permission to assume present or future consent.

    • Should you feel that you're threatened or unable to directly confront the partner(s) violating your consent, and require a third party to intervene on your behalf, please immediately send a /tell to any of the following staff who are on-site for help:

      • Silvane Vouix@Atomos

      • Skiggles Isfine@Tonberry

      • Zenos Viator-galvus@Atomos


  • Courtesans and staff have the right to refuse to interact with any patron, for any reason they deem fit, while operating under the courtesan or staff tag during The Willow's operating hours.

    • Our courtesans have the right to withdraw and end a session prematurely should they feel uncomfortable or experience discomfort/distress during their session with patrons. 

    • We reserve the right to refuse refunds should the session end prematurely.


  • No Godmoding.

    • We define "Godmoding" as overpowering your character in some way that bends or breaks the laws of nature or lore of the game, thus forcing reactions on other players without prior OOC consent.

    • We give some examples of godmoding below: 

      • Making your character a Primal that will temper and control the actions of your roleplay partner(s)' characters.

      • RPing as a criminal mastermind/political figure/godlike being with supreme and complete influence over the nation’s leaders.

      • Being so powerful and skillful that your character can dodge every attack thrown at them constantly or kills other players with one hit. 

      • RPing an emote which assumes control over another character in some way e.g. possessing another character.

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